Friday, November 9, 2007

Halloween in Clintonville, 2007

So here's a couple of our Halloween pictures. Just about hilarious, I think. I was very proud of us all for coming up with creative, somewhat inspired, costumes...

Zoey the Tree - The bird actually made noise. And, you might not be able to see them, but there are several cardinals clipped onto her "branches".

Micah, AKA Manny Ramirez - sweet wig, eh? Always the opportunist, he decided it would be worthwhile to go as somebody from the winning team.

The two of them, pre trick-or-treating.

So our neighbor's brother-in-law is this wild-and-crazy fella from Turkey. Every year he comes up with some sort of costume and tries to scare all the kids who come a-beggin' for candy. This year he tried to do this gorilla costume, only it was sweltering hot. He gave up after about 10, but not until he had scared the neighborhood police officer.

Every year our neighborhood has a "parade" for the kids. They gather at the end of the street, get their picture taken, walk down the block, and end up at the fire truck that comes out for the big event. The fire men hand out candy and then the big night of begging for candy begins.

Have I ever mentioned how much I actually hate Halloween? I think it's a very silly holiday for a nation of fat and lazy people. Also, all the responsibility seems to be on the mom to get the costume together. And I, personally, refuse to buy my child some sort of stupid costume-in-a box. I've tried to boycott it, but the troops rebel every time.