Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ike, a hurricane?

This is Ike.

He's a very sweet dog. He also has a bit of "slowness" to him. When we got him, his head was as big as his body because he had been abandoned and left for dead. At six weeks, he was as cute as can be, but clearly the malnutrition caused a little bit of damage to the brain.

He's just not the sharpest tack in the box.

Now there's a hurricane that's been named after him.

Hurricane Ike not only ravaged the coast of Texas, but the storm traveled all the way north to Columbus with its 75 mph winds and knocked out the power in most of Columbus, including our house. We just got our power back, after 2 1/2 days, but some people in the city could be without for another five days! We salvaged some of the food in the fridge and made due with candles and flashlights.

I don't think I'll ever try to join an Amish community.

So, is there irony in the fact that our Ike, a slow, somewhat dumb dog who would have died long ago had he been left to fend for himself in the wild, now has one of the fiercest storms to hit our parts named after him? Perhaps. But in our household, things remain about the same for Ike.

He is still afraid of the cat.