Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dude, that's my car.

So, a funny little story.

I was fixing dinner the other night while Dave and Micah were sitting in the living room. Micah called me into the room for some reason, I don't remember why, and I just happened to look out the front window. I saw a tow truck in front of our house. As I looked a little more closely (it was dusk and nearly dark) I realized that the bed of the truck was being lowered down. And then I realize that the truck appeared to be getting in position to tow my car.

"There's a tow truck out there and it looks like he's about to hook my car up," I turned and said to Dave.

Dave looked up, half-listening, and said something akin to "hmmm."

I looked back out the window and saw that the driver was now out of the truck and starting to get the chain out. I knocked on the window, "DUDE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY CAR?"

I turned to Dave again, panicked, "honey, seriously, it looks like he's about to take my car!"

Dave got up, looked out the window, then moved briskly (for Dave) out the front door where he confronted the tow truck driver. I saw them talk for about 30 seconds, then the neighbor from a few doors down entered the conversation, pointed, everybody's shoulders kind of shrugged in a laughing gesture, and Dave came back in the house.

"Um, apparently he was here to tow the neighbor's car and got a little mixed up."

The neighbor has a BMW station wagon. We don't.

Isn't there some sort of system in place with tow trucks where they either a) verify a license plate number or, b) knock on the alleged owner's door or, c) somehow verify that they are actually towing the correct car? It's not like we had parked illegally and were being towed for naughty reasons, after all. The neighbor had actually called for a tow truck so it could be taken to the repair shop.

I'm just glad I decided to look out the window at the moment I did or we would have found ourselves strangely without a car.