Thursday, April 26, 2007


The adventures and travails of the Weil Family Part Uno - Costa Rica, April 2007

Day #1 - Arrival in San Jose, car rental, driving through winding, winding, mountainous roads behind slow-moving, belching trucks. We got a glimpse of the ocean before sundown, but did not arrive at our destination until dark. That's right, the guidebooks suggested against driving in the dark, but we did it anyway. And then it started raining. The roads were bad - potholed, no dividing lines or edge lines, no reflectors or street lights. There were also many pedestrians and bicycles sharing the road. Interesting, to say the least. There were the bridges that were used by the banana plantation trucks - rusty, narrow, pocked with holes, completely undependable looking, but our only choice. I shut my eyes while Dave slowly maneuvered over the bridge. Oh, and then there were the Mack trucks that, in the rain, didn't turn off their high beams - blinding!

But finally we made it to our little home atop a mountain, overlooking the town of Quepos with a view in the distance of the Pacific Ocean. To the rear of our house we could look out onto the mountains. Just beautiful!

Here's our house:

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