Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas in the Mountains - Day #1

Here we are in Colorado, spending Christmas in the mountains where there is snow that lasts for months, rather than hours (as is the case in Columbus.) We flew into Denver, had a night in a hotel with a pool and spent the morning swimming before heading up the mountain to Keystone Resort. Dave threw the kids in the pool several times while I watched from the warmth of the jacuzzi. Being from really overcast Ohio, we just aren't used to the sunlight gleaming off of the snow. When we came out of the grocery store, Micah was nearly blinded (okay, a little dramatic) and had us lead him to the car while he covered his eyes. We decided to take a little detour to Super Target to acquire good skiing sunglasses for us all. It became a natural photo opportunity.
I always make a point of putting the camera in Dave's hands at least a few times while we are on vacation so we can get some shots of me with the kids. Basically so that if I die, they won't forget what I look like. I know, a bit morbid, isn't it?
When we were driving up the mountain, there was a sign for "Big Horn sheep viewing" so we decided to be spontaneous and give it a try. We followed the sign down this long road that was pretty snow covered. Finally we arrived at a little outpost that had telescopes aimed at the mountainside. We put in our 25 cents and scanned the mountains for the creatures. After about a minute, I realized the futility and headed for the warmth of the car. Dave and the kids braved it out for a little longer before giving up and returning to the car as well. We then headed back to the interstate and right there, on the entrance ramp to I-70, was the beautiful creature pictured below. We pulled over and snapped a few photos while he casually continued to munch at the dead stuff on the ground. As we continued on our way, we saw several others perched on the cliffs by the roads. I guess they're pretty common.
Parts of our day NOT pictured here:
  • Our waiting in line at the ski rental place FOREVER.
  • The kids near meltdown inside the ski rental place.
  • Zoey's total meltdown outside the ski rental place when I told her that she could not ski back to the condo.
  • All of our frustration when we realize there was something wrong with our equipment locker and, therefore, had to lug all of our skis, boots, poles, etc. up to our condo.
  • Mine and Dave's meltdown and threatening of the kids as we tried to settle them down at bedtime (I think we're all a bit tired!)

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