Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas in the Mountains - Days #2 & #3

We've made it to the mountain and are getting some great skiing! Here's Dave all ready to hit the slopes:

Zoey, geared up and ready to report to ski school (we put them in for the first day and they did great!)
After day #1 on the slopes, we were all tired and ready for nice soak in the hot tub.
The start of day #2 and our first day down the whole mountain as a family unit. Quite an adventure! (It took us about 1 1/2 hours.)
Zoey riding up the mountain on the gondola.
Susan and Micah on the gondola.
Dave and Zoey on the gondola.
Half way down the mountain we stopped for a break and a photo op - Micah actually leaned toward his sister and put his arm around her. I think he must be getting used to Mom's picture taking.

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