Sunday, October 28, 2007

School Photos

Of course I'm the most partial judge ever, but are these kids cute, or what? Micah came home on picture day with stories of how he had stuck his tongue out at the camera. As you can see, it was just talk.
Short post, but the pictures say it all.

Friday, October 19, 2007

More kickin' soccer news!

So last week's games were, again, exciting and fun to watch. I missed part of Zoey's game but when I showed up they were neck in neck. I think they ended up losing 2-1, but (yeah, bad memory) then again, maybe it is that they won 2-1? Zoey's not here right now to confirm which way it went, but I guarantee she remembers. Zoey didn't score but played great nonetheless and was a champ at passing. One of the other parents took some pictures of her team. I just couldn't resist adding the one of her clearly pushing her way past another little boy. I don't think he was knocked over. You can tell by the team picture (taken after the game) how hard she worked by her sweaty hair. It's funny, when Dave and I were watching the game we kept commenting that she didn't seem to have much get-up-and-go, but then when I looked at all the photos from the game, she appears to be running at full speed in all of them. Oh, well. Just goes to show how we parents tend to push our kiddos a bit too hard sometimes, I guess.

On to Micah's game...Once again, he came out of the shoot like a ball of fire and scored two goals in about the first 3-4 minutes. Then he dropped back and played mid-fielder. He goes non-stop whenever he's in there. His coach had some very nice things to say about him afterwards and really praised him for his hustle. Dave and I just think it's hilarious how much he loves soccer - he's tenacious! Micah was made one of the team captains for the game and got to wear a striped band around his sock. I'm such a proud mama.

I don't have any pictures of his game but hope to snap a few tomorrow. (I am still waiting for my digital camera to return from Repair Land.)
Last week was Zoey's last game, tomorrow is Micah's. We hang up the cleats until spring season comes around.
Now we'll have to figure out how to help them both release the freakish amount of energy they seem to have... any suggestions?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Soccer Victories for All!

As promised, I am providing the blow-by-blow to this weekend's soccer games.

Zoey's team played first, at 9:30. Last weekend (when they lost) they were missing one of their key players, Sam. Sam returned this weekend and all the kids played together and made it a 2-1 victory. (It's funny, but in this league they don't really keep score - but EVERYBODY knows what the score is EVERY week!) Anyway, Zoey did not score this week, but she did pass to her teammates, which seems a little more important. Passing has been a little bit of a challenge.

Micah's team played at 10:30. In tears the night before, Micah told me he wasn't sure he wanted to play because he had a big cut on the palm of his hand and he feared further injury. I assured him that we would find the proper bandage to protect him. He ended up with an ACE bandage on his wrist, which made him look like he had a sprain or break. I don't know if the bandage threw off his opponents or not, but he made two goals within the first two minutes. The first one was kind of lame and just sort of dribbled through the goalie's legs. But the second one was an all-out, David Beckham-style, mid-field, up and over the goalie's head and into the back of the net kick. It was a beauty.

Then, they moved Micah onto defense. He happily played his position for the rest of the game and their team one 3-1.

I should be getting my camera back sometime this week and will be adding pictures soon.

I took one team photo of Micah's team using my cell phone. It kind of sucks, but what do you expect from a cell phone? Micah's the goofball in the lower, right-hand corner.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Soooooooo long since I've posted

Yes, it's been way too long since I posted anything to my blog. Shame on me! Part of the thing is, however, that my camera broke. After months of procrastination, I have sent it in to be fixed and am expecting it back next week. So, this posting is just sort of a warm up.

For now, a soccer season update:
Zoey - she's a star in the making. Her team practices on Wednesdays from 4:45 until about 6:00, ending about 30 minutes before Micah's team practice. Most days she hops on down to his field and tags into Micah's scrimmage with no trouble at all.

Her team (the Tuttle Tornadoes, Tuttle being the name of the rec center), won their first game, 4-1. Zoey scored twice. The score of the second game is a bit unclear (I wasn't there). But I believe it was 2-0. Zoey scored once. She's working hard on passing the ball to her teammates, rather than taking all the glory herself. But sometimes it's hard to do that because when she passes, they just pass right back to her. I'm sure they will eventually learn.

Micah - His team has been together for over a year and was dealt their first loss this past weekend. And it was a SCHOOLING! I don't know who their opponents were, but they sure did know how to get that ball down field and into the goal. A little bit of a wake up call.

Micah actually sat out of Saturday's game for disciplinary reasons (from Mom and Dad, not the coach.) But he had to watch anyway and felt the pain along with his teammates. We were fearful that his being out of the lineup would make him feel overinflated, as if he could have made the winning difference. However, I think the final score was something like 8-0, so there's no way he could have prevented the loss.

And, they had it coming to them. The won the week beforeby a score of 9-1.

I'm sure they will be excited to get out there and vindicate themselves this weekend.

And, maybe I'll even be able to get some pictures!