Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Soooooooo long since I've posted

Yes, it's been way too long since I posted anything to my blog. Shame on me! Part of the thing is, however, that my camera broke. After months of procrastination, I have sent it in to be fixed and am expecting it back next week. So, this posting is just sort of a warm up.

For now, a soccer season update:
Zoey - she's a star in the making. Her team practices on Wednesdays from 4:45 until about 6:00, ending about 30 minutes before Micah's team practice. Most days she hops on down to his field and tags into Micah's scrimmage with no trouble at all.

Her team (the Tuttle Tornadoes, Tuttle being the name of the rec center), won their first game, 4-1. Zoey scored twice. The score of the second game is a bit unclear (I wasn't there). But I believe it was 2-0. Zoey scored once. She's working hard on passing the ball to her teammates, rather than taking all the glory herself. But sometimes it's hard to do that because when she passes, they just pass right back to her. I'm sure they will eventually learn.

Micah - His team has been together for over a year and was dealt their first loss this past weekend. And it was a SCHOOLING! I don't know who their opponents were, but they sure did know how to get that ball down field and into the goal. A little bit of a wake up call.

Micah actually sat out of Saturday's game for disciplinary reasons (from Mom and Dad, not the coach.) But he had to watch anyway and felt the pain along with his teammates. We were fearful that his being out of the lineup would make him feel overinflated, as if he could have made the winning difference. However, I think the final score was something like 8-0, so there's no way he could have prevented the loss.

And, they had it coming to them. The won the week beforeby a score of 9-1.

I'm sure they will be excited to get out there and vindicate themselves this weekend.

And, maybe I'll even be able to get some pictures!

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