Monday, October 8, 2007

Soccer Victories for All!

As promised, I am providing the blow-by-blow to this weekend's soccer games.

Zoey's team played first, at 9:30. Last weekend (when they lost) they were missing one of their key players, Sam. Sam returned this weekend and all the kids played together and made it a 2-1 victory. (It's funny, but in this league they don't really keep score - but EVERYBODY knows what the score is EVERY week!) Anyway, Zoey did not score this week, but she did pass to her teammates, which seems a little more important. Passing has been a little bit of a challenge.

Micah's team played at 10:30. In tears the night before, Micah told me he wasn't sure he wanted to play because he had a big cut on the palm of his hand and he feared further injury. I assured him that we would find the proper bandage to protect him. He ended up with an ACE bandage on his wrist, which made him look like he had a sprain or break. I don't know if the bandage threw off his opponents or not, but he made two goals within the first two minutes. The first one was kind of lame and just sort of dribbled through the goalie's legs. But the second one was an all-out, David Beckham-style, mid-field, up and over the goalie's head and into the back of the net kick. It was a beauty.

Then, they moved Micah onto defense. He happily played his position for the rest of the game and their team one 3-1.

I should be getting my camera back sometime this week and will be adding pictures soon.

I took one team photo of Micah's team using my cell phone. It kind of sucks, but what do you expect from a cell phone? Micah's the goofball in the lower, right-hand corner.

1 comment:

jroth777 said...

Well done you two! I WISH I COULD BE THERE (oops, caps lock) to see your matches. It's great to hear how you are doing. I will have my own future soccer player (or surfer) in a few weeks. I am so excited. I know you don't remember too much about me but I remember you and your parents and miss you all.

PS-Micah, I knew that was you in the pick as soon as I saw you.

Looking forward to more updates-Jack