Friday, October 19, 2007

More kickin' soccer news!

So last week's games were, again, exciting and fun to watch. I missed part of Zoey's game but when I showed up they were neck in neck. I think they ended up losing 2-1, but (yeah, bad memory) then again, maybe it is that they won 2-1? Zoey's not here right now to confirm which way it went, but I guarantee she remembers. Zoey didn't score but played great nonetheless and was a champ at passing. One of the other parents took some pictures of her team. I just couldn't resist adding the one of her clearly pushing her way past another little boy. I don't think he was knocked over. You can tell by the team picture (taken after the game) how hard she worked by her sweaty hair. It's funny, when Dave and I were watching the game we kept commenting that she didn't seem to have much get-up-and-go, but then when I looked at all the photos from the game, she appears to be running at full speed in all of them. Oh, well. Just goes to show how we parents tend to push our kiddos a bit too hard sometimes, I guess.

On to Micah's game...Once again, he came out of the shoot like a ball of fire and scored two goals in about the first 3-4 minutes. Then he dropped back and played mid-fielder. He goes non-stop whenever he's in there. His coach had some very nice things to say about him afterwards and really praised him for his hustle. Dave and I just think it's hilarious how much he loves soccer - he's tenacious! Micah was made one of the team captains for the game and got to wear a striped band around his sock. I'm such a proud mama.

I don't have any pictures of his game but hope to snap a few tomorrow. (I am still waiting for my digital camera to return from Repair Land.)
Last week was Zoey's last game, tomorrow is Micah's. We hang up the cleats until spring season comes around.
Now we'll have to figure out how to help them both release the freakish amount of energy they seem to have... any suggestions?

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